SMOKY QUARTZ (aka Smokey Quartz) “Stone of Endurance” Smoky Quartz is one of the most unique and powerful, yet most efficient grounding stones. It rules over the root chakra and helps one to re-establish a connection to the physical world. This crystal is perfect for someone who seems to have their head Read more…


SMITHSONITE “The Stone of Rebirth” Smithsonite may crystallize in many different shapes, textures and colors, but they each provide us with the same energies, those filled with tranquility, charm, kindness, love and of course, favorable outcomes. It is an excellent stone for soothing the emotional body and relieve one of stress. Read more…


SIBERIAN BLUE QUARTZ “The Magician Stone” SIberian Blue Quartz has this amazing energy vibration which is filled with that of the Blue Ray, which aligns to the seventh Ray. It must be stated that no other stone possesses the Blue Ray, except this beautiful one. As a form of Quartz, Read more…


SHUNGITE “The Miracle Stone” HIGH VIBRATION CRYSTAL Will assist one to adapt and adjust to the new frequencies presented to the earth sphere, as many begin their ascension into the higher realms of existence. SHUGNITE is a very rare and powerful stone, almost 2 billion years in age. It is a mineral Read more…


SHATTUCKITE “Stone of Communication“ SHATTUCKITE is a strong psychic communication stone that possesses numerous amounts of unusual gifts within its vibration. That is what makes it perfect to have during the development of various psychic abilities. The vibration of this crystal strengthens the communication with the spirit world and ensures that each Read more…


SELENITE “Stone of The Lightbody” High Vibration Crystal SELENITE is the perfect stone to increase the pace of spiritual growth SELENITE has a very strong vibration which assist in healing at an energetic level, as it resonates with the higher frequencies, along with the higher chakras. Working with higher frequencies makes Read more…


SEDONA VORTEX STONES “The Stone of Solace and Unity” Sedona Vortex Stones are very powerful stones that are famous for their energy centers that pulse with spiritual and psychic energy. The centers act as a vortex, similar to our Chakras. They stimulate psychic abilities. Recently, Sedona Vortex Stones has become Read more…


SCOLECITE “Stone of Lightworkers” [1 of 12 SYNERGY STONES] HIGH VIBRATION CRYSTAL Scolecite, is a very powerful high vibration crystal with the energy to awaken the heart and blend its energies with the higher chakras. This will aid one in making a deeper spiritual connection. Another benefit of this crystal is Read more…


SCHEELITE “Stone of Comfort & Peace“ SCHEELITE is highly beneficial both mentally and spiritually  SCHEELITE is a highly rare stone with some pretty impressive metaphysical and healing properties. The most impressive being its ability to align all 7 chakras keeping us grounded through the Root Chakra all whilst stimulating the Crown Read more…


SAPPHIRE “Stone of Astuteness” SAPPHIRE is a symbol of astuteness, spiritual power and wisdom associated with the heavens, as the guardian of innocence. Purifies the mind of  negativity and encourages insight, spiritual devotion and communication. Along with enhancing mental clarity, SAPPHIRE is known to offer sacred knowledge and hidden truth. It nourishes and Read more…