Friday, September 6, 2024

Spiritual Connection


Astrophyllite is believed to help in finding one's life purpose and illuminating one's true self. It radiates energy and light, preventing darkness from enveloping the wearer. It is also used in reiki healing for enhancing sensitivity to the needs of others.


Amphibole quartz, a type of quartz crystal with inclusions of various minerals including hornblende and riebeckite, is renowned for its spiritual properties and healing abilities. It is a popular crystal for meditation, believed to enhance spiritual awareness and promote past-life recall and lucid dreaming. Amphibole quartz is also said to have physical healing properties, such as alleviating muscle cramps, blood disorders, insomnia, nerve issues, and dehydration. It is commonly used to stimulate the Third Eye and Crown Chakras.

Blue Apatite

Blue Apatite is believed to increase motivation and energy levels, promote social ease and openness, and aid in the absorption of calcium, strengthening bones and teeth. It is used for healing bones, improving arthritis and joint problems. It can also bring spiritual healing and comfort, helping to connect with one's spiritual side.

Chevron Amethyst

Chevron Amethyst is a stunning crystal known for its ability to dispel negativity and enhance the immune system. It is a favorite among crystal healers for its psychic properties and can also deepen meditation and manifestation practices. Chevron Amethyst stimulates the Third-Eye chakra, enhancing intuition and physical vision for a more profound spiritual experience.

Thunder Bay Amethyst

Thunder Bay Amethyst is known for rebalancing the energy field, aiding in finding balance among the body, mind, and spirit, and promoting grounding and presence during times of transformation. Its high iron content is believed to give it spiritual properties, making it a popular choice in the world of healing crystals.

Pink Amethyst

Pink Amethyst is a Master Healing Crystal that promotes relaxation, calmness, and the release of stress and tension. It can help treat physical ailments associated with stress, grief, and an over-sensitive nervous system, as well as reduce headaches when worn regularly. Pink Amethyst is also believed to absorb negativity, promote spiritual awareness, intuition, and psychic powers, and has potent healing and cleansing properties.


Ametrine, a rare variety of quartz, combines the properties of amethyst and citrine. It is known for its healing properties that enhance mental clarity, promote physical and emotional well-being, and reduce stress and tension. Ametrine is often used in crystal healing to balance and align the chakras, bringing a sense of balance and harmony to the body and mind.

Cacoxenite Amethyst

Cacoxenite Amethyst combines the properties of both Amethyst and Cacoxenite, creating a powerful crystal that clears negative energy and promotes physical and emotional well-being. It can create a healing space and protective aura in one's room. Its spiritual protection properties make it a valuable tool for enhancing spiritual connection and achieving higher states of consciousness.